Friday, May 23, 2008

Oi, seja bem-vindo ao Parque Ibirapuera

Translation: Hi, welcome to Ibirapuera Park.

Dandara and I went to the Ibirapuera Park yesterday... it took us almost 2 hours to get there.  And yes, it's in the same city.  That's how big Sao Paulo is.  Yikes!  "Ibirapuera" does not exactly roll off the tongue... well, it doesn't just roll off mine, anyway.  I decided I wanted to learn how to say it, though, so I walked around the park welcoming everyone "ao Parque Ibirapuera."  Haha... I would, right? 

We caught two buses and walked a few blocks to get to the park.  As we were walking the last leg of our journey, I saw something I haven't seen before... a group of boys holding onto the back of a bus, getting a ride for free.  Personally, I'm not sure how safe it is INSIDE the bus, let alone hanging on to the back of the bus... yikes!  

The park we went to was really cool... It was huge!  There was a lake, museums, basketball courts, soccer fields, volleyball, everything... and TONS of people!  Granted, yesterday was a holiday here.  Which one, I don't know.  And neither does anybody else.  But it was a holiday.  
We rented some bikes.  They were pretty sweet, but what we really wanted to rent was the low-riders.  You have to have a membership with them to do that, though.  I think Dandara will register with them this week.  :o)

1 comment:

Kevin said...

it's always been a dream of mine to see you on a lowrider. pursue my dreams, kara! don't give up!