Thursday, May 21, 2009


Emery was over last night, and, as is common to do with a 2-year-old, my mom at one point said, "Emery, I'm going to check your diaper," as she pulled the back of her diaper open to see if Em had left any "presents."  While she was doing that, I said, "Hey, Emery, say, 'Awkward!'"  And she promptly repeated, "Awkward!"  I just about died laughing!  We kept practicing, and I told her any time someone looks in her diaper to say, "Awkward!"  She got to where she would do it without even being prompted, but the later it got, the more difficult it was for her to remember her new vocabulary word.  I was a little worried that all our hard work wouldn't be paying off just yet... 

This morning, however, I got a text from Kevin when I arrived in Atlanta: We asked Emery this morning what she says when we check her diaper.  She said, "Awkward!"

'Atta girl, Emery! :oD