Monday, October 20, 2008


So whenever something needs to be communicated to us tenants in my apartment building, it is posted in the elevator.  The most recent one shocked me... Apparently there have been complaints of noise in the building (not about us, for the record), so a reminder was posted that we should respect our neighbors at all times, especially during quiet hours, blah blah blah.  The memo also reminded us that the penalty, by law, for "disturbing the peace" - as we in the States would put it - is... are you ready for this? ... 10 months (minimum wage) salary... a.k.a. R$4,000, a.k.a. US$2,000!!!  $2,000!!  Is it just me or is that ridiculous??  I could be fined $2,000 for wearing high heals (one item mentioned - twice - on the list of "noisemakers" on the memo) and bothering my neighbor as a result!  If you ask me, the crime does not fit the punishment. 


Kevin said...

that's not just you- that is ridiculous!

Speaking of disturbing the peace, our disturbing neighbor came home today for a little while. She hung out for 20 minutes, pounded on the roof to let the neighbors know they were bothering her, then left immediately. Also ridiculous.

sharilyn said...

ah, but i would LOVE it if the building next to ours were subject to such fines! we have a RUDE, OBNOXIOUS loud-rap(fword-filled)-music-playing, pot-smoking foul neighbor who does all of the above and blasts it all (music & potsmoke) into our bedroom windows as his neighboring building. though we've called both the apt managers and the police, no one seems to be effective at stopping it. i bet a $2,000 fine would take care of it in a heart-beat!