Saturday, November 8, 2008


Well, I think I officially have one "new" friend, along with a few more potentials. And I can't tell you how happy that makes me!

Last year I met a guy named Vitor while I was going to school here. We went out a few times, but not much. Last night we went out to go dancing, and - skipping lots of details - danced about 2 songs and talked from about 9pm till 3am - roughly. It was so great! We plan to go running on the days we don't have class - Mon, Wed, Fri.

Today after dance class, the girls invited me to get a bite to eat and then go dance some more. Totally cool - and they invited me out tonight, too. I don't know if I'll wind up meeting up with them, but it's nice to know there's another possible friendship.

I've been needing friends outside the Hope Unlimited realm. My world is too small - work, church, roommates, friends = all connected to Hope in one way or another. I think I'm on the verge of branching out... Praise God!

1 comment:

sharilyn said...

hey there, kara! i didn't know you were in the blogging world! i found you this morning, and i plan to read some of your previous posts when i get home tonight! :) i know i'm a Hope connection, but when i'm out in the blogging world, i'm not wearing my Hope hat... good to 'see' you! :) ~sharilyn (check out my blog if you're interested!)